a wide range of applications

Chlorhexidine is widely used as an active ingredient and excipient in both OTC and prescription drugs.
Applications include oral care, wound care, sore throat, bladder irrigation, anti-inflammatory, eye drops, antacid suspensions, antifungals.

A number of biocide products for skin disinfection are formulated with Chlorhexidine,
including solutions with and without alcohol, scrubs, wet wipes, soaps, creams and hand rubs.

Chlorhexidine is commonly used in plaque control and gingivitis, healing before and after periodontal surgery, treatment of mouth ulcers, aphthous stomatitis and oral infections. Chlorhexidine is present in mouthwashes, toothpastes and sprays.

Chlorhexidine is formulated as a preservative in cosmetic formulations such as
skincare creams, hair conditioners and treatments, soap, deodorants, hygiene products, antiseptic treatments and insect repellent.

Chlorhexidine is normally used as an antiseptic and preservative in animal health products developed for the treatment of mastitis in cows and in pet products such as shampoo, foam and wipes.

Chlorhexidine is also used for general disinfection of equipment, surfaces and textiles:
surface wipes, floor cleaners, detergents and disinfectant spray.